
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Agenda: Week of Feb. 27th - March 2nd, 2012

1. Cognition is the study of mental processes.
2. STM seems to be limited to 7+ - 2 items at any given time.
3. The differences between encoding, storage, and retrieval are important.
4. Models of LTM deal with how we organize information that we need to know.
5. Problem solving involves applying what we know in an organized way to issues that we face.
6. Language is a complex system of communication that allows us to use complex symbols to talk about things in the past or future, not just the present.

Monday, Feb. 27th, 2012
Quote of the Day:  "History is a myth that men agree to believe." - Napoleon
1. Socratic discussion of article in groups during the first 1/2 of the period. Groups of 4, one person will moderate, jot down notes, and report back at the end of the discussion. ARTICLE: The Flavor of Memories
2. Notes, Discussion, & Video: Introduction to Chapter 7 and 8 "Cognition"
CH 7 Notes Cognition

Tuesday, Feb. 28th, 2012
Quote:  “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work learning from failure.” - General Colin Powell
1. DO NOW QUESTION: "Why do we remember some things and forget other things? What makes memory stick?"
2. Video Study: "The Woman Who Could Not Forget"
3. Notes, Video, & Discussion Chapter 7 & 8.
CH 7 Notes Cognition
CH 8 Notes

Thursday,  March 1st, 2012
Quote: "It was a rum job going over the top, without any rum." - Harry Lamin on the Western Front during Trench Warfare
1. DO NOW QUESTION: "How does language acquisition and vocabulary help humans remember information?"
2. Video Study: 60 Minutes Endless Memory
Video: Endless Memory, 60 Minutes, Part I
Video: Endless Memory, 60 Minutes, Part II
3. Notes, Video, and Discussion Chapter 7 & 8.
CH 7 Notes Cognition
CH 8 Notes

Friday, March 2nd, 2012
Quote of the Day:  "The war has ruined us for everything." Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front 
**Shortened Period Due to Extended Advisory**
1.Notes, Video, and Discussion Chapter 7 & 8.
CH 7 Notes Cognition
CH 8 Notes

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Extra Credit Essays on the Test

I'm giving you these for two reasons:
  1. They are difficult, they are AP test questions from the past. The Free Response Section of the test is important and we can't just do well on the Multiple Choice and score a 5. So we'll start tackling these.
  2. You can not bring the answer into class with you... it must be written without your notes or rough copy. But, this will give you a chance to think about these concepts. It will also be a good review for the rest of the test.

Extra Credit Essays – Answer one question on a separate sheet of paper. Answer correctly and you can score up a possible 5% points added to the test score. It is not enough to answer a question by merely listing facts. You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the question posed, using appropriate psychology terminology.

Essay #1:
Many people are concerned with the seeming inability of the prison system to rehabilitate criminals.
  1. Based on your knowledge of learning, argue against the traditional prison system by explaining how each of the following could be used in a rehabilitation program:
  • Operant conditioning
  • Positive and negative reinforcement
  • Shaping
  1. Choose ONE of the above methods of learning and explain how it could be used to reform a convicted thief.
Essay #2:
Use one specific example for each of the concepts listed below to explain how the concept might relate to either the development of or the continuation of a smoking habit.
  • Positive reinforcement
  • Negative reinforcement
  • Incentive motivation
  • Schedules of reinforcement
Essay #3:
The Smiths are planning for their first baby. Both parents-to-be have had a psychology course and are looking forward to applying the principles they learned from theories and research that address child development.

  1. Summarize one main idea or finding of each of the following four researchers:
    • Skinner’s operant conditioning
    • Bandura’s social learning theory
  2. Provide a specific example of actions the Smiths might take to raise their child to produce positive outcomes using each of the theories below to address the corresponding psychological concept.
    • Skinner’s operant conditioning: tantrum management
    • Bandura’s social learning theory: sharing behavior

Monday, February 20, 2012

AP Test Reminder

It is that time of year again to sign up for your Advanced Placement Tests!
When:  January 9th – February 29th   7:30 - 11:00 & 1:00 - 3:00
Where:  White II reception area
All Lunches in Registrar’s Office
Cost:  Cash or Money Order Only$87 per test**click here - important information regarding change in price
$17 for Free and Reduced
No refunds after March 2nd.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Agenda: Week of Feb 20-24, 2012

Learning Targets Chapters 5 "Consciousness"

1. People dream during REM sleep.
2. Sleep isn't easy for everyone. There are a variety of sleep disorders that are important to understand.
3. The Stages of Sleep.

Learning Targets Chapter 6 "Learning"

1. Learning refers to a relatively permanent change in behavior based on experience.
2. Classical conditioning involves the pairing of one stimulus with another, so that eventually the first neutral stimulus will evoke a reflex.
3. Classical conditioning is associated with Pavlov and Watson; Operant Conditioning is associated with Skinner.
4. According to Operant Conditioning, the consequences of a behavior influence whether or not the behavior will be performed again.
5. Reinforcements are used to increase the likelihood a behavior will be repeated and punishments are used to decrease the likelihood a behavior will be repeated.

Monday, Feb. 20, 2012 - President's Day - No School For Students.
Presidents' Day, celebrated each year on the third Monday in February, is a day when Americans honor the legacies of the U.S. presidents. 
The holiday was established in 1800, when Congress declared February 22–George Washington's birthday–a federal holiday. 
Still legally known as Washington's Birthday, Presidents' Day has become a day to honor not only Washington, but Abraham Lincoln, the 16th U.S. president who was born on February 12, and the lives and accomplishments of all U.S. presidents.
Quotes of the Day: 

“Blessed are the young, for they will inherit the national debt.” - Herbert Hoover
"You lose." - Calvin Coolidge, after a woman told him she made a bet that she could get at least three words of conversation from him
"Things are more like they are now than they ever were before." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2012
Quote of the Day:  "Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence." - Abigail Adams, 1780
1. Review and Finish Classical Conditioning, notes/discussion/video.
2. Introduce Operant Conditioning, notes/discussion/video
3. Student worksheet on Schedules of Reinforcement.
Thursday Feb. 23, 2012
Quote of the Day: "Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous." - Confucius, The Confucian Analects, Chinese philosopher & reformer (551 BC - 479 BC)
1. Review and Finish Operant Conditioning, notes/discussion/video.
2. Quiz Chapter 6.
3. Introduce Observational Learning, notes/discussion/video.
4. Review Chapters 5 and 6 with Psyktrek CD, if time permits.
Notes Chapter 5 - Consciousness
Notes Chapter 6 - Classical Conditioning
Notes Chapter 6 - Operant Conditioning
Friday, Feb. 24, 2012
Quote of the Day: "Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival." - W. Edwards Deming, US business adviser & author (1900 - 1993)
1. TEST on Chapters 5 and 6. "Consciousness & Learning"
2. After the test, students can pick up the Chapter 7 articles: 
Flavor of Memories
Friends Ruin Memory

Chapter 6 - Learning - Operant Conditioning - Schedules of Reinforcement

We will work off this sheet in class this week to reinforce... Reinforcement Schedules. :)
Direct link to download: Chapter 6 - Learning - Operant Conditioning - Schedules of Reinforcement

Friday, February 10, 2012

Agenda - Week of Monday, Feb 13, 2012 - Friday, Feb 17, 2012

Learning Targets - Chapter 5 - Consciousness
1. People dream during REM sleep.
2. Sleep isn't easy for everyone. There are a variety of sleep disorders that are important to understand.
3. The Stages of Sleep.

Extra Credit is due Friday!
Quiz is Thursday.
Test for Chapter 5 and 6 is next Friday, Feb. 24
Monday, Feb 13, 2012
Quote: "You know you are in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." - Dr. Seuss
1. Notes, Video & Discussion - Chapter 5: Consciousness.
2. Psyktrek if time permits.
Tuesday, Feb 14, 2012

Quote: "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." - Aristotle
1. Video Clip - Love.  Anthropologist Helen Fisher studies gender differences and the evolution of human emotions. She's best known as an expert on romantic love, and her beautifully penned books -- including Anatomy of Love and Why We Love -- lay bare the mysteries of our most treasured emotion.
2. Notes, Video & Discussion - Chapter 5: Consciousness.
2. Psyktrek if time permits.

Thursday, Feb 16, 2012
Quote: "You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." - Sam Keen
1. Quiz Chapter 5
2. Discuss Chapter 6 "Learning."
3. Notes, Video & Discussion - Chapter 6: Learning.

Friday, Feb 17, 2012
Quote: "Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it." - Benjamin Franklin
1. Notes, Video & Discussion - Chapter 6: Learning.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Agenda: Week of Monday, Feb. 6, 2012 - Friday, Feb. 10, 2012

Learning Targets:

1. Perception is the interpretation of sensory information; it relies on experience.
2. The difference between sensation and perception
3. The structure and function of the eye & ear.
4. How does taste and smell work almost as one sense at times?
5. Describe the process of touch and pain thresholds.

Monday, Feb. 6, 2012
Quote: "The more I know about people, the more I like my dog." - Mark Twain
1. Do Now Question: "What does Super Bowl Sunday say about the psychology of America?"
2. Super Bowl Ads. We will watch a few of the more successful Super Bowl ads from yesterday and discuss their power to persuade. How do each of the ads use Sensation & Perception to persuade, sell, and convince people?
3. We will review the Quiz from CH. 4 (if time, quiz over PsychTrek 3 CD)

Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012
Quote:“I find your lack of faith disturbing.” - Darth Vader
1. Do Now Question: Why do you like your favorite food? Be sure to include in your answer an understanding of Olfactory System, taste buds (and 4 receptors of taste), taste sensitivity the Gustatory System and sensory interaction. 
2. Smell/Taste Sensation & Perception. Notes, Video, and Discussion.
3. Tactile/Touch/Pain Sensation. Notes, Video, and Discussion.

Wednesday & Thursday, Feb. 8/9, 2012
Quote: "All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it." - Samuel Butler
1. Test Ch. 4
2. After Ch. 4 test, pick up the article. Read, annotate, and be ready to discuss in class on Friday.
Friday, Feb. 10, 2012
Quote: "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." - Ben Williams
1. Article Discussion from CH. 5 & 6.
2. Introduction to CH. 5 and 6.