
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Agenda: Week of November 28 - December 2, 2011

Our Take Home Test for Chapter 12 Personality - due on Monday, December 5th
(Targets for Chapter 12 Personality here)
Quiz for Chapters 14-15-16 is this Friday, Dec. 2nd. 
Test for Chapters 14-15-16 is Tuesday, Dec. 6th.

Chapter 14 & 15: Abnormal Behavior & Treatment
Learning Targets:
  • what abnormal psychology is and how it differs from normal psychology
  • the major types of psychological disorders
  • what we know about the causes of these disorders
  • how mental health problems are treated
  • different types of mental health workers
  • various approaches to psychotherapy
Chapter 16: Social Psychology
Learning Targets:
  • how being part of a group influences the way individuals behave
  • why people cooperate with and help others
  • what factors contribute to aggressive behavior and violence

Monday, November 28, 2011
Quote of the Day: “The person who says something is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it.” – Chinese proverb

1. Pass out the Targets & Take Home Test for Chapter 12 Personality, if Mr. Duez's copies are ready.
2. Pass out the Targets for Chapters 14 & 15 Abnormal Behavior and Chapter 16 Social Psychology (if copies are ready)
3. DO NOW ?: It is believed by some that all psychological disorders can be traced to some sort of biological malfunction, especially malfunctions in the nervous system. In other words, in a perfectly formed and perfectly functioning biological organism, there could be no psychological disorder. If this were true, then the "ultimate cure" for any psychological disorder would be a biomedical cure. Explain why this position does or does not make sense to you. Link to the Presentation
4. Notes, Video, and Discussion - Chapters 14 and 15 - Abnormal Psychology.
Video: Herschel Walker. College Football Legend, Heisman Trophy Winner, and diagnosed with D.I.D.
ESPN SEC Trailer for "Herschel"
Youtube Clip, ABC News Story, Part I.
Youtube Clip, ABC News Story, Part II.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Quote of the Day: “We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.” - J.K. Rowling

1. DO NOW ?: Compare and contrast the psychoanalytic and humanistic brands of insight therapy.
2. Notes, Video, and Discussion - Chapters 14 and 15 - Abnormal Psychology

Video: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, 20 minutes

113 - Understanding Mental Illness and Schizophrenia
Mental Illnesses are complex diseases of the brain affecting thoughts, moods, and coping ability. There are many diseases you can see, feel and understand, but there are others that aren't as easy to comprehend. Education and compassion are key. Untreated mental illness costs Americans more than 100 billion dollars each year. Fear of Mental Illness and the lack of understanding prevent millions of people from seeking much needed treatment. Meet some of these people in this episode. 

Thursday December 1, 2011
Quote of the Day: “We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” —Aristotle

1. DO NOW ? Why do you think so many of the "teachers" in Milgram's "shocking" experiment on obedience administered the highest levels of shock to their "learners"? In answering this question you undoubtedly made some sort of attributions of the teachers' behavior. Analyze the attributions you made in terms of what you've learned about attribution theory from the text. [The task here is to analyze one's own attributions or explanations for the behavior of Milgram's teachers. Answers should reflect an understanding of attribution processes, especially the dimensions of internal versus external, consistency, distinctiveness, consensus, and stability.]
2. Notes, Video, and Discussion - Chapter 14 and 15 - Abnormal Behavior & Treatment

Friday, December 2, 2011
Quote of the Day: “To be successful you don’t need to do extraordinary things, you just need to do ordinary things extraordinarily well.” – Jim Rohn

1. DO NOW ? Daryl Bem's self-perception theory suggests that behavior determines attitudes. This counter-intuitive notion is reminiscent of the James-Lange theory of emotion. How are the two theories similar yet different from each other?
2. Notes, Video, & Discussion - Chapter 16 - Social Psychology
3. Quiz Chapters 14-16 (Last 15 minutes)

Our Take Home Test for Chapter 12 Personality - due on Monday, December 5th 
Bring in your answers and we will bubble them in class.
(Targets for Chapter 12 Personality here)

Test for Chapters 14-15-16 is Tuesday, Dec. 6th.