
Monday, October 14, 2013

Agenda: Week of Oct 14 - Oct 18, 2013

Advanced Placement Psychology with Mr. Duez
Unit 3 - Consciousness & Learning
MON - No School
TUE - Quiz; Review Drugs impact on Consciousness
WED/THU - Consciousness & Learning Test Prep; Operant Conditioning - Schedules of Reinforcement; Drugs - Impact on Consciousness
FRI - Test - Unit 3 "Consciousness & Learning

Monday, Oct 14, 2013 - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, Oct 15, 2013
Quote: "The purpose of life is a life of purpose." - Attributed to both Ludwig Wittgenstein and Robert Byrne

Learning Targets:
Psychoactive drugs - Depressants, Narcotics, Stimulants, Hallucinogens
★ Learning refers to a relatively permanent change in behavior based on experience. 
★ Classical conditioning involves the pairing of one stimulus with another, so that eventually the first neutral stimulus will evoke a reflex.
★ Classical conditioning is associated with Pavlov and Watson;
Operant conditioning is associated with Skinner.
★ According to operant conditioning, the consequences of a behavior influence whether or not the behavior will be performed again.
★ Reinforcements are used to increase the likelihood a behavior will be repeated
★ Punishments are used to decrease the likelihood a behavior will be repeated.

Essential Questions:
★ How do psychoactive drugs impact consciousness?
★ How is operant conditioning impacted by reinforcement schedules?
★ Explain positive/negative - punishment/reinforcement.

1. Reading Check Quiz - Consciousness & Learning.
2. Discuss - Handout: Drugs & Impact on Consciousness, Handout: Operant Learning - Schedules of Reinforcement

Test is Friday. Review the notes & YouTube Lectures to prepare.
The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test is a standardized test administered by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC). Students who score high enough on the PSAT are entered in a competition for a scholarship. This program awards 1-time scholarships ranging from $500 to $10,000.
Wednesday, Oct 16, 2013 and Thursday, Oct 17, 2013
Quote"To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else." - Emily Dickinson

Learning Targets:
★ Psychoactive drugs - Depressants, Narcotics, Stimulants, Hallucinogens
★ Learning refers to a relatively permanent change in behavior based on experience. 
★ Classical conditioning involves the pairing of one stimulus with another, so that eventually the first neutral stimulus will evoke a reflex.
★ Classical conditioning is associated with Pavlov and Watson;
Operant conditioning is associated with Skinner.
★ According to operant conditioning, the consequences of a behavior influence whether or not the behavior will be performed again.
★ Reinforcements are used to increase the likelihood a behavior will be repeated
★ Punishments are used to decrease the likelihood a behavior will be repeated.

Essential Questions:
★ How do psychoactive drugs impact consciousness?
★ How is operant conditioning impacted by reinforcement schedules?
★ Explain positive/negative - punishment/reinforcement.

1. DO NOW - Classify each drug type written on the board. Which is a depressant, narcotic, stimulant, or hallucinogen?
2. Notes & Discussion: Review the difference between Classical Conditioning and Operant Conditioning
3. Schedules of Reinforcement - practice scenarios in class.
4. PsychTrek if time. Only have 1 hour due to PSAT.

Test is Friday. Review the notes & YouTube Lectures to prepare.
Heads or Tails? 
Friday, Oct 18, 2013
Quote: "If you are struck between two options, just flip a coin in the air! It works. Not because it solves the problem . . . but because while the coin is in the air, You will get to know what your heart is really hoping for." - Annonymous

1. TEST: Consciousness & Learning.
2. Pick up article - Memory: "How Friends Ruin Memory" - have it read and annotated by Monday (only 1 page front/back)

Begin reading Memory for Monday. Bring article read & annotated.