
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Agenda: Week of Jan 26-30, 2015

Advanced Placement Psychology with Mr. Duez
Unit 1 - History, Methods, & Personality
Chapter 1 - The Evolution of Psychology
Chapter 2 - The Research Enterprise in Psychology
Chapter 12 - Personality
Week at a Glance:
MON- Personality- Introduction; Testing; Freud
TUE- Quiz on Personality; Approaches to Personality; Focus on Freudian Defense Mechanisms
WED/THU- TEST Unit 1; Article (due Friday) Mind, Body, Yogurt
FRI- Introduction to Biological Bases of Behavior & Sensation/Perception; Discuss Mind, Body, Yogurt

TEST Unit 1 (CH 1, 2, 12): Wed/Thu
Article due on Friday at beginning of class: Mind, Body, Yogurt
Probably not, but it is worth a try!
Monday, January 26, 2015

Learning Targets:
1. Personality refers to patterns of behavior that remain constant across situations.
2. There are different approaches to personality, including psychoanalytic, trait, humanistic, and learning theories.
3. Sigmund Freud is responsible for the psychoanalytic approach, which states that we are controlled by unconscious conflicts.
4. Trait theorists argue that our personality is simply a collection of traits.
5. Humanistic theorists argue that humans are basically good and strive for perfection.
6. Learning theorists argue that personality is nothing more than a shorthand description for clusters of behavior.

Essential Questions:
1. What is personality?
2. What are the psychological theories behind personality?
3. Given all of his popularity, what is Sigmund Freud's legacy?
4. Compare the different traits in the Trait Theory of Personality.

1. DO Now Question: What do psychologists mean when they refer to PERSONALITY?
2. Notes, Video, Discussion: Introduction to Personality
Personality & The Unconscious Mind
Freud, Unconsciousness, Defense Mechanisms

TEST Unit 1 (CH 1, 2, 12): Wed/Thu
The best selling cookie in the world. Oreo. 
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Learning Targets:
1. Personality refers to patterns of behavior that remain constant across situations.
2. There are different approaches to personality, including psychoanalytic, trait, humanistic, and learning theories.
3. Sigmund Freud is responsible for the psychoanalytic approach, which states that we are controlled by unconscious conflicts.
4. Trait theorists argue that our personality is simply a collection of traits.
5. Humanistic theorists argue that humans are basically good and strive for perfection.
6. Learning theorists argue that personality is nothing more than a shorthand description for clusters of behavior.

Essential Questions:
1. What is personality?
2. What are the psychological theories behind personality?
3. Given all of his popularity, what is Sigmund Freud's legacy?
4. Compare the different traits in the Trait Theory of Personality.

1. Quiz Personality - Students can use hand written notes.
2. DO NOW QUESTION (after quiz): Compare the different approaches as applied to Personality
Psychoanalytic, Humanistic, Behavioral (Learning Theorists), Trait Theory
3. Notes, Video, Discussion: Personality & Approaches; Freud; Defense Mechanisms

TEST Unit 1 (CH 1, 2, 12): Wed/Thu
Wednesday, January 28, 2015 & Thursday, January 29, 2015

1. TEST UNIT 1 - CH 1, 2, 12: History/Research Methods/Personality
2. After the test: ArticleMind, Body, Yogurt (due Friday)

Article due on Friday at beginning of class: Mind, Body, Yogurt
Begin reading Chapters 3 & 4: Biological Bases of Behavior & Sensation/Perception
Are we all just a bag of neurons? Hmmmm. Let my neurons think on that one... Hmmmmm.
Friday, January 30, 2015

Learning Targets - Unit 2 - Biological Bases of Behavior 
Major points to understand:
1. The different methods for peering into the human brain
2. What the areas does the brain control
3. The structure of the neuron
4. The action potential
5. The role of neurotransmitters in neural transmission
  ★ Distinguish between the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
  ★ Provide an overview of the peripheral nervous system, including its subdivisions.
  ★ Describe the main functions of the two types of nervous tissues.
  ★ Identify the location and various parts of the neuron and discuss their functions.
  ★ Describe the neural impulse and absolute refractory period.

Essential Questions:
1. What are the major lobes of the brain and what areas of human behavior do they impact?
2. What are the parts of the neuron?
3. How do neuron's fire and communicate with other neurons to send messages?

1. DO NOW: Have the Article Finished and ready to discuss & turn in Mind, Body, Yogurt
2. Notes, Video, Discussion: Introduction to Biological Bases of Behavior & Sensation/Perception
3. If Time: Crash Course Psychology #3 - The Chemical Mind 
BAHHHHHH! Did I scare you? What exactly happens when we get scared? How does our brain make our body react? Just what are Neurotransmitters? In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank takes us to the simplest part of the complex system of our brains and nervous systems; The Neuron.

Begin reading Chapters 3 & 4: Biological Bases of Behavior & Sensation/Perception