
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Agenda: Week of Feb 9 - 13, 2014

Advanced Placement Psychology with Mr. Duez
Unit 2: Biological Bases of Behavior - Sensation & Perception
MON -  QUIZ Unit 2 - Biological Bases of Behavior & Sensation/Perception; Brain Sketch Due
TUE - Sensation & Perception: Bottom-Up & Top-Down Processing; Absolute Threshold; JND; Sensation Thresholds; Weber's Law; Subliminal Attention; Sensory Adaptation
WED/THU - Sensation & Perception: Vision: Wavelengths, Saturation, Transduction, Structure/function of the eye, Feature detection, parallel processing, perception of color (theories); Sensation & Perception: Vision & Sensation & Perception: HearingSound Waves, Frequency, Intensity, Parts/Function of Ear; Theories on Hearing
FRI - TEST Unit 2 Biological Bases of Behavior; Sensation & Perception

Derrick Coleman, FB, Inspiration.
Monday, February 9th, 2015
Quote: "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." - John F. Kennedy

Learning Targets:

1. Perception is the interpretation of sensory information; it relies on experience.
2. The difference between sensation and perception
3. The structure and function of the eye
4. The structure and function of the ear
Sensation and perception are areas that have been of interest to psychologists for most of the history of psychology. As we sit here, our senses receive literally thousands of messages. We need to make sense of this information. Our senses take in the information, and they do so from birth. Yet the interpretive part -perception- requires knowledge.

Essential Questions:
* How do we convert light into images?
* How does the ear responds to sound waves?
* How do we taste or smell?
* How does the somatic sensory system function?


1. DO NOW: Prep for the Quiz - Unit 2: Biological Bases of Behavior & Sensation/Perception
Are subliminal ads effective? Should they be illegal? 
2. Quiz Unit 2
3. Sensation & Perception: Bottom-Up & Top-Down Processing; Absolute Threshold; JND; Sensation Thresholds; Weber's Law; Subliminal Attention; Sensory Adaptation; Cocktail Party Effect.
3. Video: Darren Brown's Toy Story


Check the notes, YouTube lectures, and work on the Target Sheets to prepare.
 Pink Floyd & Wizard of Oz - Dark Side of Rainbow
Does Pink Floyd's iconic album sync with Oz? Is this coincidence? Or conspiracy? Humans look for patterns!

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015
Quote: "Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Learning Targets:
1. Perception is the interpretation of sensory information; it relies on experience.
2. The difference between sensation and perception
3. The structure and function of the eye
4. The structure and function of the ear
Sensation and perception are areas that have been of interest to psychologists for most of the history of psychology. As we sit here, our senses receive literally thousands of messages. We need to make sense of this information. Our senses take in the information, and they do so from birth. Yet the interpretive part -perception- requires knowledge.

Essential Questions:
* How do we convert light into images?
* How does the ear responds to sound waves?
* How do we taste or smell?
* How does the somatic sensory system function?


1. DO NOW: What are the major parts and function of the human eye? How does it see?
2. Notes, Video, & Discussion: 
Sensation & Perception: Vision: Wavelengths, Saturation, Transduction, Structure/function of the eye, Feature detection, parallel processing, perception of color (theories)
Sensation & Perception: Vision: Wavelengths, Saturation, Transduction, Structure/function of the eye, Feature detection, parallel processing, perception of color (theories)
3. Video & Discussion: Visual illusions & how they may prove some theories of how the eye works.
VIDEO: Crash Course Psychology #6 - Homunculus
HOMUNCULUS! It's a big and weird word that you may or may not have heard before, but do you know what it means? In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank gives us a deeper understanding of this weird model of human sensation. 

Check the notes, YouTube lectures, and work on the Target Sheets to prepare.
Luck of the Irish? Or 'what magic is this'! 
Wednesday, February 11th and 12th, 2015
Quote: "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." - Winston Churchill

Learning Targets:
1. Perception is the interpretation of sensory information; it relies on experience.
2. The difference between sensation and perception
3. The structure and function of the eye
4. The structure and function of the ear
Sensation and perception are areas that have been of interest to psychologists for most of the history of psychology. As we sit here, our senses receive literally thousands of messages. We need to make sense of this information. Our senses take in the information, and they do so from birth. Yet the interpretive part -perception- requires knowledge.

Essential Questions:
* How do we convert light into images?
* How does the ear responds to sound waves?
* How do we taste or smell?
* How does the somatic sensory system function?

1. DO NOW: Explain the term parallel processing. How does that work into the human eye's perception of the world?
2. NOTES, DISCUSSION, VIDEO:  Sensation & Perception: HearingSound Waves, Frequency, Intensity, Parts/Function of Ear; Theories on Hearing
3. NOTES, DISCUSSION, VIDEO:  Sensation & Perception: Pain, Taste, & Smell: How do we feel objects against our skin? How does the human pain system work? What is the gate control theory? How is taste and smell linked as senses that overlap?

VIDEO: Crash Course Psychology #7 - Perceiving is Believing
So what does perception even mean? What's the difference between seeing something and making sense of it? In today's episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank gives us some insight into the differences between sensing and perceiving.
Table of Contents
Perceptual Set 01:53:15
Form Perception 03:44:17
Visual Cues 06:08:08
Depth Perception 05:39:12

Check the notes, YouTube lectures, and work on the Target Sheets to prepare.
A real head scratcher! 

Friday, February 13, 2015
Quote: "I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road." - Stephen Hawking

Learning Targets:
1. People dream during REM sleep.
2. Sleep isn't easy for everyone. There are a variety of sleep disorders that are important to understand.
3. The Stages of Sleep.
4. Impact of drugs on consciousness.

Essential Questions:
● Explain Levels of consciousness. Compare the different levels of consciousness.
● Why do we Sleep and dream?
● Be able to examine and differentiate between different types of sleep disorders
● Define, differentiate and compare the different types of Psychoactive drugs - Depressants, Narcotics, Stimulants, Hallucinogens
● Does Hypnosis actually work?
● Meditation - is it useful?
● Impact of psychoactive drugs - Depressants, Narcotics, Stimulants, Hallucinogens


1. TEST Unit 2 Biological Bases of Behavior
2. Article due Tuesday: Article: What Dreams Are Made Of


Article due Tuesday: Article: What Dreams Are Made Of
Begin reading Unit 3: Consciousness & Learning