
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Thursday - 4th Period

Today I am out due to an appointment at NRG to get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. I feel like I won the lottery. Very lucky to get it. 

Students will watch the documentary, "A Class Divided" link to it below and it should be also already pulled up on the monitor. 

Explain to students that they can take notes and we will discuss it tomorrow in class. 

Reminder: Article on Schoology: The Rarely Told Story of Zimbardo's Prison Experiment is due by midnight on Friday. And the quiz for Social Psych is next Thursday.

Students eat "C" Lunch from 12:08 - 12:36. 

Should be able to finish the documentary before lunch. It is 50 minutes. 

After lunch they can use that time to work on the article on Schoology or work on other class work. 

Video: Frontline - "A Class Divided" Jane Elliott's '68 Iowa classroom - Blue/Brown Eyes