
Sunday, March 29, 2020

AGENDA: Week of March 30 - April 3, 2020

Advanced Placement PSYCHOLOGY with Mr. Duez
Chapter 13: Social Psychology & Chapter 14: Stress, Health, & Coping

Quote of the Week:
  • Mon: Google Meet - 1st: 8-8:30 am; 3rd: 10-10:30 am; 5th: 12-12:30 am
  • Tue: Google Meet - 4th period 12-12:30 pm

Google Classroom 
DO NOW Question (Answer before class)
Explain the difference between conformity & obedience

We will discuss
- Social Psych: Altruism, Conformity, Obedience
*If the district ever decides to explain what the grading policy is, we'll discuss that as well. 
  • Wed: Google Meet - 1st: 8-8:30 am; 3rd: 10-10:30 am; 5th: 12-12:30 am
  • Thu: Google Meet - 4th period 12-12:30 pm

Google Classroom 
DO NOW Question (Answer before class)
Explain each of these terms & use an example:
  - Fundamental Attribution Error
  - Self-serving Bias
  - Actor-perceiver Bias
  - Groupthink

  - Social Loafing

We will discuss
- Social Psych: Group Behavior
*If the district ever decides to explain what the grading policy is, we'll discuss that as well. 

Due Next Friday April 10, 2020
FRQ Flip Choice - 
Pick one or the other and write out the answer. 
Load answers to Google Classroom as instructed.
Q1: 2017 Research Methods or Q2: 2007 Ellie's Psych Club & Friends 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Before Wednesday & Thursday Sessions - Watch and answer question on Google Classroom

I sent out the code for the Google Classroom for each period. If you did not get it, email me.

1. Go to your Google Classroom and do the extra credit upload

2. Also before our next session, watch this video: 
Born good? Babies help unlock the origins of morality

3. Answer these questions on Google Classroom:

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Agenda: Week of March 22-March 26, 2019

Advanced Placement PSYCHOLOGY with Mr. Duez
Chapter 13: Social Psychology & Chapter 14: Stress, Health, & Coping
Mon: Google Meet - 1st: 8-8:30 am; 3rd: 10-10:30 am; 5th: 12-12:30 am
Tue: Google Meet - 4th period 12-12:30 pm
We will discuss
- How to join Google Classroom & Upload Extra Credit (it is optional) due Friday by 3pm. Mr. Duez sent out the codes. If you don't have it, email him
- New AP Test, 45-min FRQ. More details in April. 2 test dates. 
- Review of Social Psych 

Wed: Google Meet - 1st: 8-8:30 am; 3rd: 10-10:30 am; 5th: 12-12:30 am
Thu: Google Meet - 4th period 12-12:30 pm
We will discuss
- Review how to join Google Classroom & Upload Extra Credit (it is optional) due Friday by 3pmMr. Duez sent out the codes. If you don't have it, email him
- Review New AP Test, 45-min FRQ. More details in April. 2 test dates. 
Review of Social Psych 

FRI: Extra Credit (it is optional) is due by 3pm. Upload to Google Classroom
Mr. Duez sent out the codes. If you don't have it, email him

Quote of the Week:
We need to ride this out. It will get better and we'll be stronger after. 
Coronavirus COVID-19 News:

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Google Meet Schedule

Please let me know if you are having any issues or problems. 

We tried it this morning and it worked pretty well. It is a grand experiment and it's going to be for a while. So please give me feedback as we proceed. It is nothing like face to face interaction, but it sure is better than nothing at all. 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Special Agenda: Week of March 16-22, 2020

Advanced Placement PSYCHOLOGY with Mr. Duez
Chapter 13: Social Psychology & Chapter 14: Stress, Health, & Coping
First, the district has asked us to create some assignments to help guide you with home learning. Thankfully we are well positioned to do this already. 

1. Use this website and access the notes for both chapters. 
CH 13 - Social Psychology

CH 14 - Stress, Health, & Coping

2. Read the presentations and take actual written notes

3. Watch my recorded video lectures & any other videos on the chapter website and take notes (some chapters have more than others)

3. Go to AP Classroom and complete the assignments for the chapters. They are all out there waiting for you. 

4. Extra Credit - It is a good opportunity to improve your grade +20% on your lowest test score. (Do not stress about when this will be "turned in" at this point. When I know more about when the 9 week period will truly end, I will update you.)
DO NOT email EXTRA CREDIT to me at this point.

5. If you have any issues or concerns, email me directly
AP Classroom - some of the assignments created.



School is continuing to be out until at a minimum March 23rd, one week after Spring Break. However, be aware that this is a fluid situation and things can and will change. Certainly, this is a fluid situation that can change, possibly being out of school longer, depending on how things progress. Keep that in mind and be prepared for such situations.

I have been very forward and upfront with everyone about this. I mentioned the outbreak in China in class during the month of January after we returned from winter break. This is a situation that I believe has been serious from the get-go.

Most people experience from mild to very severe form of symptoms similar to a bad cold or flu (CDC), however the biggest difference is that a type of pneumonia can develop where lungs can be impacted. If the body does not fight off the infection well and it spreads to the lungs, hospitalizations would be needed. That means we have to be careful about spreading this because we only have around 1 million hospital beds in the US and 3/4 of them are already being used typically by sick patients that cycle in and out of hospitalization (Washington Post). If there was a rapid increase, as has happened in China, South Korea, Italy, and now Spain and France, our medical community could be overwhelmed.

We are also not as prepared with testing as most would like. Many people who are getting sick can not get an actual test to know if they are suffering from a regular flu (Salt Lake Tribune), or this new COVID-19: Corona-virus (named such because of the sun like spikes that protrude from the virus cell).
Because of this uncertainty and the fact that hospitals have been overwhelmed in some areas of the country, the district (as well as every district in the Houston area) has made the smart decision to close schools. This decision helps with a strategy called "Social Distancing" and helps to "Flatten the Curve." 

So the best advice now is to slow down, enjoy what we have. Enjoy the people in your life, but you and your loved ones safe by washing your hands, avoid touching your face, limit public interactions, and avoid stress. Relax. Regardless of how bad it gets, life is going to go on and understand that the reason we are taking these steps is to lessen the impact while our society gears up to treat those in most need. What we have to do is work together to help everyone in our community live better and safer lives. For now that means no school.

Toilet paper run - why are people buying it up like crazy? & water... which is plentiful and will not be a problem, this isn't a hurricane. 
Psychology of hoarding toilet paper (CNN).

How does social distancing work? (FoxNews Digital)
Social distancing is a topic right out of our latest chapter - Social Psychology.
This data is, of course, only those who have been tested. Hundreds and potentially thousands more cases have occurred that have not been given a test. Many people have sent home and told to self-quarantine because of a lack of testing.  

1918 Spanish Flu can teach us about the Coronavirus outbreak
 (Video Washington Post)