Thursday, December 17, 2020

Agenda: Week of Jan. 4 - Jan. 8, 2021

Advanced Placement PSYCHOLOGY with Mr. Duez
CH 10 - Motivation & Emotion 

TUE - DO NOW: In what ways is human motivation determined? What motivates you to action… Or inaction?

New Seats

FRQ - Matching Pairs - Due on Wed. Jan. 13th on Schoology - Hand written in black pen. Upload a screenshot of your answer. One of these two will be chosen for you. 

In what ways is human motivation determined? 

Video: Daniel Pink Drive-Surprising Truth About Motivation 

THU - DO NOW: What biological mechanism helps to regulate and keep your functions in balance? If someone has low blood glucose levels what should they do? 

Duez Notes - Motivation Theory

FRI - DO NOW: An animal experiences an injury to its head. It then starts to eat uncontrollably.  What part of the brain is probably injured? (Lateral or Ventromedial hypothalamus)

Wednesday, Jan. 13th - FRQ - Matching Pairs - Due on Wed. Jan. 13th on Schoology - Hand written in black pen. Upload a screenshot of your answer. One of these two will be chosen for you. 
Friday, Jan. 15th - Quiz CH 10 - Motivation & Emotion 
Monday, Jan. 18th - MLK DAY - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, Jan. 21st - TEST - CH 10 - Motivation & Emotion
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Quote of the Day: "Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." - Oprah Winfrey

DO NOW: In what ways is human motivation determined? What motivates you to action… Or inaction?

New Seats

FRQ - Matching Pairs - Due on Wed. Jan. 13th on Schoology - Hand written in black pen. Upload a screenshot of your answer. One of these two will be chosen for you. 

Wednesday, Jan. 13th - FRQ - Matching Pairs - Due on Wed. Jan. 13th on Schoology - Hand written in black pen. Upload a screenshot of your answer. One of these two will be chosen for you. 
Friday, Jan. 15th - Quiz CH 10 - Motivation & Emotion 
Monday, Jan. 18th - MLK DAY - NO SCHOOL

Thursday, Jan. 21st - TEST - CH 10 - Motivation & Emotion 

WednesdayJanuary 6, 2021
Quote of the Day"New Year's Resolution: To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time."  - James Agate

DO NOW: In what ways is human motivation determined? 

Video: Daniel Pink Drive-Surprising Truth About Motivation 

Wednesday, Jan. 13th - FRQ - Matching Pairs - Due on Wed. Jan. 13th on Schoology - Hand written in black pen. Upload a screenshot of your answer. One of these two will be chosen for you. 
Friday, Jan. 15th - Quiz CH 10 - Motivation & Emotion 
Monday, Jan. 18th - MLK DAY - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, Jan. 21st - TEST - CH 10 - Motivation & Emotion
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Quote of the Day: "I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done." - Oscar Wilde

DO NOW: What biological mechanism helps to regulate and keep your functions in balance? If someone has low blood glucose levels what should they do? 

Duez Notes - Motivation Theory

Wednesday, Jan. 13th - FRQ - Matching Pairs - Due on Wed. Jan. 13th on Schoology - Hand written in black pen. Upload a screenshot of your answer. One of these two will be chosen for you. 
Friday, Jan. 15th - Quiz CH 10 - Motivation & Emotion 
Monday, Jan. 18th - MLK DAY - NO SCHOOL
Thursday, Jan. 21st - TEST - CH 10 - Motivation & Emotion
Friday, January 8, 2021
Quote of the Day"Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much." - Oscar Wilde

DO NOW: An animal experiences an injury to its head. It then starts to eat uncontrollably.  What part of the brain is probably injured? (Lateral or Ventromedial hypothalamus)

Wednesday, Jan. 13th - FRQ - Matching Pairs - Due on Wed. Jan. 13th on Schoology - Hand written in black pen. Upload a screenshot of your answer. One of these two will be chosen for you. 
Friday, Jan. 15th - Quiz CH 10 - Motivation & Emotion 
Monday, Jan. 18th - MLK DAY - NO SCHOOL

Thursday, Jan. 21st - TEST - CH 10 - Motivation & Emotion 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Screen-casts for Monday & Tuesday, Dec. 14 & 15, 2020 - MOCK AP Test Review

 To view the MOCK AP Test Review video - go to Schoology, Google Meet Screen-casts & Videos -and- the Mock AP Test Review Folder:

Friday, December 11, 2020

Agenda: Last week of the semester - 2020 - Dec. 14 - 18, 2020

Advanced Placement PSYCHOLOGY with Mr. Duez
Semester Review - AP Mock Test & Final Summative
MON: DO NOW: Multiple Choice Questions on Schoology - help preparing for the Final Summative Test.

Review most missed questions from the FALL AP MOCK EXAM

TUE: DO NOW: Multiple Choice Questions on Schoology  - help preparing for the Final Summative Test.

Review most missed questions from the FALL AP MOCK EXAM

WED/THU/FRI: DO NOW: Multiple Choice Questions on Schoology  - help preparing for the Final Summative Test.

Summative Final Test - 100 Multiple Choice Questions, 5 answer choices each. Just like the AP Test, but only for material from the fall semester. (Same as the MOCK AP Exam we took last week, but the questions & answers are scrambled) 

Can replace the lowest summative grade from the 2nd Nine Week period if the score is higher on this test. See the schedule below. Test taken on Schoology and can be completed between Wednesday and Friday at 1:30 pm. 

Final Summative Test - Can replace the lowest summative grade from the 2nd Nine Week period if the score is higher on this test. See the schedule below. Test taken on Schoology and can be completed between Wednesday and Friday at 1:30 pm.
Monday, December 14, 2020
Quote: “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.” ― Vince Lombardi Jr.

DO NOW: Multiple Choice Questions on Schoology - help preparing for the Final Summative Test.

Review most missed questions from the FALL AP MOCK EXAM

Final Summative Test - Can replace the lowest summative grade from the 2nd Nine Week period if the score is higher on this test. See the schedule below. Test taken on Schoology and can be completed between Wednesday and Friday at 1:30 pm.
You know you do this...
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Quote: "A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother." - Author Unknown

DO NOW: Multiple Choice Questions on Schoology - help preparing for the Final Summative Test.

Review most missed questions from the FALL AP MOCK EXAM

Final Summative Test - Can replace the lowest summative grade from the 2nd Nine Week period if the score is higher on this test. See the schedule below. Test taken on Schoology and can be completed between Wednesday and Friday at 1:30 pm.
Thanks Lloyd Christmas!
Wed, Thu, & Fri -> December 16 - December 18, 2015
Quote: "To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time." - Leonard Bernstein

Final Summative Test - Can replace the lowest summative grade from the 2nd Nine Week period if the score is higher on this test. See the schedule below. Test taken on Schoology and can be completed between Wednesday and Friday at 1:30 pm.

Have a fantastic holiday.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Screen-cast for Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020

 Mr. Duez discussed:

  • Test is today over CH 7 & CH 8
  • Mock AP Test is Friday over the semester.
  • Cumulative Summative Test is next week (in place of finals) will replace your lowest test score for the 9 week period. 
  • Intelligence - IQ Testing, Reliability & Validity

Screen-cast for Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Screen-cast for Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020

 Mr. Duez discussed:

  • Problem solving - heuristics & algorithms 
  • Introduction to Intelligence & IQ Test
  • Quiz on CH 8 is today. 
  • Test on CH 7 & 8 is tomorrow.
  • MOCK AP Test for the Fall semester is Friday

Screen-cast for Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020

Monday, December 7, 2020

Screen-cast for Monday, Dec. 7, 2020

 Mr. Duez discussed:

  • Cognitive Dissonance
  • Language Acquisition
  • Decision Making
  • Quiz is Tuesday on Ch. 8 - Language & Cognition & Intelligence
  • TEST is WEDNESDAY over CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Language, Cognition, & Intelligence
  • FRIDAY is the FALL MOCK AP TEST - 100 M/Choice questions 
  • The following week is the Final Summative Test - that can replace the lowest grade for the nine week period - it will be the same as the MOCK AP TEST for the Fall but questions/answers are scrambled.

Screen-cast for Monday, Dec. 7, 2020

Friday, December 4, 2020

Screen-cast for Friday, Dec. 4, 2020

 Mr. Duez discussed:

  • Metacognition
  • Final Summative Schedule
  • Cognition at work - Language acquisition device & Chomsky

Screen-cast for Friday, Dec. 4, 2020

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Agenda: Week of Dec. 7-11, 2020

Advanced Placement PSYCHOLOGY with Mr. Duez
CH 7 - Memory - CH 8 - Language & Thought & Intelligence: "COGNITION"
Week of Dec. 7-11 -- WEEK AT A GLANCE:
MON: DO NOW: When a person experiences 2 thoughts that are incompatible, psychological tension may be produced, leading to an attempt to reconcile the discrepant thoughts. What is this phenomenon called? 

Crash Course Psych: Controversy of Intelligence 

TUEDO NOW: A 40 year-old couple emigrated from Italy to the US. They have two daughters, one is 15 and the other is 7. Based on research, which family member will master English first? 

Duez Notes - Intelligence 2: Forms of Intelligence

Crash Course Psychology Brains vs. Bias

Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence - Schoology

WED: DO NOW: After seeing several television programs on shark attacks, you start to think that such incidences are relatively common. When you go on vacation, you refuse to swim in the ocean... WHY? 


Wednesday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition

THU: DO NOW: What advantages are there to knowing an IQ score for someone?

What disadvantages could arise? 

FRI: DO NOW: What is a cognitive bias? Explain with examples.

Review for final assessment for the first half of the year. 

VIDEO: Savants: Beautiful Minds - The Einstein Effect 

FRIDAY: MOCK AP TEST - 1st Semester - Schoology

Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence
Wednesday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition
FRIDAY: MOCK AP TEST - 1st Semester
Monday, December 7, 2020
Quote: “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.” ― Vince Lombardi Jr.

1. DO NOW: When a person experiences 2 thoughts that are incompatible, psychological tension may be produced, leading to an attempt to reconcile the discrepant thoughts. What is this phenomenon called? 

Crash Course Psych: Controversy of Intelligence 

Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence
Wednesday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition
FRIDAY: MOCK AP TEST - 1st Semester

Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Quote: "If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail." - Abraham Maslow

DO NOW: A 40 year-old couple emigrated from Italy to the US. They have two daughters, one is 15 and the other is 7. Based on research, which family member will master English first? 

Duez Notes - Intelligence 2: Forms of Intelligence

Crash Course Psychology Brains vs. Bias

Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence - Schoology

Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence
Wednesday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition
FRIDAY: MOCK AP TEST - 1st Semester

Wednesday, December 9, 2020 
Quote: “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” - Albert Einstein

DO NOW: After seeing several television programs on shark attacks, you start to think that such incidences are relatively common. When you go on vacation, you refuse to swim in the ocean... WHY? 

Duez Notes - Intelligence 3: Change Over Time


Wednesday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition
Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence
Wednesday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition
FRIDAY: MOCK AP TEST - 1st Semester
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Quote: “Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.” - John Locke

DO NOW: What advantages are there to knowing an IQ score for someone?
What disadvantages could arise? 

Duez Notes - Intelligence 4: Concepts in Psych Testing
Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence
Wednesday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition
FRIDAY: MOCK AP TEST - 1st Semester
Friday, December 11, 2020
Quote: "A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother." - Author Unknown

DO NOW: What is a cognitive bias? Explain with examples.

Review for final assessment for the first half of the year. 

VIDEO: Savants: Beautiful Minds - The Einstein Effect 

FRIDAY: MOCK AP TEST - 1st Semester - Schoology
Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence
Wednesday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition
FRIDAY: MOCK AP TEST - 1st Semester

Final week of the semester bell schedule.

Final week of the semester bell schedule. December 14-18, 2020

Humble ISD has decided not to administer fall semester final exams. We will administer a 2nd 9-week assessment instead of a final exam.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Screen-cast for Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2020

 Mr. Duez discusses:

  • The new design of chapter 8: "Cognition & Intelligence" Language, Problem Solving, Decision-making, and Measuring Intelligence. 
  • Forgetting: Wrap up of the Memory chapter.
  • Introduction to Language with Steven Pinker

Screen-cast for Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2020

Monday, November 30, 2020

Screen-cast for Monday, Nov. 30th, 2020

 Mr. Duez discussed:

  • Calendar for December
  • Review of Memory concepts and ideas
  • Forgetting - Elizabeth Loftus - framing

Screen-cast for Monday, Nov. 30th, 2020

Friday, November 20, 2020

Agenda: Week of Nov. 30 - Dec. 4, 2020

Advanced Placement PSYCHOLOGY with Mr. Duez
Ch 7: Memory and Ch 8: Cognition & Intelligence
MONDo Now: Catherine has a big test coming up tomorrow.  She & several of her friends got together to do some final studying.  Discuss how each of the following concepts might help or hinder Catherine & her friends during their study session and/or subsequent testing experience.
  • Serial position effect
  • Ebbinghaus Forgetting curve
  • Framing
  • Recall vs. Recognition 
  • Context-dependent memory 

TUEDo Now: Copy questions down to help with the video we will watching introducing CH 8 "Language" Video - Steven Pinker - Linguistics as a window to understanding the brain

Video - Steven Pinker - Linguistics as a window to understanding the brain Use the questions above to help you comprehend the video. Discussion. 

WED: Do Now:  "Curious Blue Ideas Sleep Furiously" At what level is this statement AMBIGUOUS? 

Notes, Discussion, Video:  Duez Notes: How Language Impacts Thought

THUDo Now: Read the article and answer the questions on Schoology. ARTICLE: Is Texting Killing the English Language?

FRI: Do Now: What is Metacognition?

Next Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence
Next Thursday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition
Monday, November 30, 2020
Quote"Everybody should do at least two things each day that he hates to do, just for practice." -
William James

1. DO NOWCatherine has a big test coming up tomorrow.  She & several of her friends got together to do some final studying.  Discuss how each of the following concepts might help or hinder Catherine & her friends during their study session and/or subsequent testing experience.
  • Serial position effect
  • Ebbinghaus Forgetting curve
  • Framing
  • Recall vs. Recognition 
  • Context-dependent memory

Next Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence
Next Thursday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Quote"The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny." - Albert Ellis

1. DO NOW: Copy questions down to help with the video we will watching introducing CH 8 "Language"

2. Video - Steven Pinker - Linguistics as a window to understanding the brain
Use the questions above to help you comprehend the video. Discussion. 

PINKER: Linguistics as a Window to Understanding Your Mind

3. Notes, DiscussionDuez Notes - Cognition: Language & Thought 

Next Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence
Next Thursday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition

Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Quote"Revolutions are the locomotives of history." - Karl Marx

1. DO NOW: "Curious Blue Ideas Sleep Furiously" At what level is this statement AMBIGUOUS? 

2. Notes, Discussion, Video:  Duez Notes: How Language Impacts Thought

Next Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence
Next Thursday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition

Thursday, December 3, 2020
Quote: "A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots." - Marcus Garvey

1. DO NOW: Pick up the article from the front table. 
ARTICLE: Is Texting Killing the English Language?

2. Notes, Video, DiscussionDuez Notes: Cognition - Communication at Work

Next Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence
Next Thursday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition

Friday, December 4, 2020
Quote"The past changes a little every time we retell it." - Hilary Mantel

1. DO NOW: What is Metacognition?

2. Crash Course: Cognition: Mind Can Amaze & Betray
We used to think that the human brain was a lot like a computer; using logic to figure out complicated problems. It turns out, it's a lot more complex and, well, weird than that. In this episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank discusses thinking & communication, solving problems, creating problems, and a few ideas about what our brains are doing up there. (Thinking & Communicating, Solving Problems, Creating Problems)

3. Finish Notes, Video, DiscussionDuez Notes: Cognition - Communication at Work

Next Tuesday - DEC 8. - Quiz CH 8 - Cognition & Intelligence
Next Thursday -  DEC. 10th - TEST - CH 7 Memory & CH 8 Intelligence & Cognition

Screen-cast for Friday, Nov. 20, 2020

 Mr. Duez discussed:
  • Memory systems - retrieval failures
  • Speed of cognition
  • Quiz on Memory today by 11:59 in Schoology

Screen-cast for Friday, Nov. 20, 2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Screen-cast for Thursday, November 19, 2020

 Mr. Duez discusses:

  • The state of the virus - COVID update in the US. Please wash your hands frequently, wear your mask and be safe. Especially over Thanksgiving Week. 
  • Cognition - the Speed of Thought - How memory stores work, encoding and retreival
  • The persistence of memory - Dr. Eric Kandel
  • FRQ Free-Response Essay due tonight by 11:59 pm on Schoology
  • Quiz tomorrow on Schoology by 11:59 pm Friday

Screen-cast for Thursday, November 19, 2020

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Screen-cast for Wednesday, November 18, 2020

 Mr. Duez discusses:

  • Memory - encoding, retrieval, and storage
  • Today (wed) HSAM Memory Wizards video is due 
  • Thursday - FRQ Timed Writing due
  • Friday - Quiz - CH 7 Memory

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Screen-cast Video for Tuesday, November 17, 2020

 Mr. Duez discusses:

  • HSAM video & questions due on Schoology for Wednesday
  • FRQ Timed-Writing prompt - upload in Schoology for Thursday - black ink, take a picture and upload your written work.
  • Quiz for CH. 7 Memory on Friday. 

Screen-cast Video for Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Monday, November 16, 2020

Screen-cast for Monday, November 16, 2020

Mr. Duez discusses: 

  • FRQ Due on Thursday
  • Assignment - video over HSAM - Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory
  • Introduction to memory. 

Screen-cast for Monday, November 16, 2020

Friday, November 13, 2020

AGENDA: Week of Nov. 16-20, 2020

Advanced Placement Psychology with Mr. Duez
Ch 7 - Memory
MONDo Now: How does memory work? Why do we forget?

Memory Models: Encoding, Storage, & Retrieval. Focus on Encoding & Storage: Attention; Levels of Processing; Enriching Encoding. Sensory/Short-Term/Long-Term Memory.Atkinson-Shifrin Model of Memory Stores

TUE:  Do Now: Studies show that musicians tend to have a better memory than non-musicians, not just for music, but for words & pictures too. What might explain why musicians have an edge?

Retrieval: Getting info out of memory; Cues; Context; Reconstruction & Misinformation - Monitoring 

WED: Do Now: Getting information into memory is called ___________.  Getting information out of memory is called ___________.

ForgettingEbbinghaus Curve; Recovered memory controversy; In Search of Memory - the physiology of memory 

ASSIGNMENT: Watch the video below - 13 min. 42 seconds

People who remember every second of their life | 60 Minutes Australia

  • Explain what you saw, what is Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory?
  • What can these people do that all of the rest of us can not imagine doing?
  • What would the benefits be? The drawbacks?
  • Would you want to have this ability?

THUDo Now: Match the brain parts with the Atkinson-Shiffrin Model of Memory.

Systems & Types of MemoryDeclarative/ProceduralSemantic/EpisodicProspective/Retrospective Memory.

FRQ Timed Writing on Schoology "RESEARCH METHODS" 

FRI: Do Now: In elementary school, Aidan learned to speak some Spanish in addition to English. In middle school, Aidan took a class in Chinese. He found that some of the new vocabulary was difficult to learn because his earlier Spanish vocabulary was competing with the new Chinese words. This situation best illustrates __________. 

FRIDAY - QUIZ - Memory CH 7 on Schoology

Tuesday - Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory - on Schoology watch with questions. 
THURSDAY - FRQ Timed Writing on Schoology "RESEARCH METHODS" 
Use this link to study
FRIDAY - QUIZ - Memory CH 7 on Schoology
Enjoy Thanksgiving Break!
Get ready for the sprint to the finish line this semester.

Monday, November 16, 2020
Quote of the Day: "Sometimes you never really the importance of a moment until it becomes a memory." - Anon

1. Do Now: How does memory work? Why do we forget?

Memory Models: Encoding, Storage, & Retrieval. Focus on Encoding & Storage: Attention; Levels of Processing; Enriching Encoding. Sensory/Short-Term/Long-Term Memory.Atkinson-Shifrin Model of Memory Stores

Tuesday - Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory - on Schoology watch with questions. 
THURSDAY - FRQ Timed Writing on Schoology "RESEARCH METHODS" 
Use this link to study
FRIDAY - QUIZ - Memory CH 7 on Schoology
Enjoy Thanksgiving Break!
Get ready for the sprint to the finish line this semester.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Quote of the Day: “Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.” ―Doris Day

1. Do Now: Studies show that musicians tend to have a better memory than non-musicians, not just for music, but for words & pictures too. What might explain why musicians have an edge?

2. Notes - Cognition: Memory

Retrieval: Getting info out of memory; Cues; Context; Reconstruction & Misinformation - Monitoring

ASSIGNMENT: Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory Part I - on Schoology - questions. 

Tuesday - Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory - on Schoology watch with questions. 
THURSDAY - FRQ Timed Writing on Schoology "RESEARCH METHODS" 
Use this link to study
FRIDAY - QUIZ - Memory CH 7 on Schoology
Enjoy Thanksgiving Break!
Get ready for the sprint to the finish line this semester.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Quote of the Day: “Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”  - William Arthur Ward

1. Do Now: Getting information into memory is called ___________.  Getting information out of memory is called ___________.

ForgettingEbbinghaus Curve; Recovered memory controversy; In Search of Memory - the physiology of memory 

3. ASSIGNMENTHighly Superior Autobiographical Memory Part II - on Schoology - questions. 

Tuesday - Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory - on Schoology watch with questions. 
THURSDAY - FRQ Timed Writing on Schoology "RESEARCH METHODS" 
Use this link to study
FRIDAY - QUIZ - Memory CH 7 on Schoology
Enjoy Thanksgiving Break!
Get ready for the sprint to the finish line this semester.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Quote of the Day: “If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share.”  - W. Clement Stone

1. Do Now: Match the brain parts with the Atkinson-Shiffrin Model of Memory.

Systems & Types of MemoryDeclarative/ProceduralSemantic/EpisodicProspective/Retrospective Memory.

3. FRQ Timed Writing on Schoology "RESEARCH METHODS"  Use this link to study

Tuesday - Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory - on Schoology watch with questions. 
THURSDAY - FRQ Timed Writing on Schoology "RESEARCH METHODS" 
Use this link to study
FRIDAY - QUIZ - Memory CH 7 on Schoology
Enjoy Thanksgiving Break!
Get ready for the sprint to the finish line this semester.
Friday, November 20, 2020
Quote of the Day: “Gratitude doesn’t change the scenery. It merely washes clean the glass you look through so you can clearly see the colors.”  - Richelle E. Goodrich

1. Do Now: In elementary school, Aidan learned to speak some Spanish in addition to English. In middle school, Aidan took a class in Chinese. He found that some of the new vocabulary was difficult to learn because his earlier Spanish vocabulary was competing with the new Chinese words. This situation best illustrates __________. 

2. Notes - Cognition: Focus on Forgetting

3. FRIDAY - QUIZ - Memory CH 7 on Schoology

Tuesday - Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory - on Schoology watch with questions. 
THURSDAY - FRQ Timed Writing on Schoology "RESEARCH METHODS" 
Use this link to study
FRIDAY - QUIZ - Memory CH 7 on Schoology
Enjoy Thanksgiving Break!
Get ready for the sprint to the finish line this semester.