Advanced Placement Psychology with Mr. Duez
Unit 6 - Abnormal Behavior, Psych Disorders, & Treatment
and Social Psychology
Week at a Glance:
MON - Psychological Disorders - Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, Dissociative Disorders
TUE - Dissociatve Disorders, Somatoform Disorders, Mood Disorders, Schizophrenia
TH - Reading Check Quiz; Schizophrenia & Personality Disorders, Treatments; Intro to Social Psychology
A personality disorder for Batman, yeah, probably. |
Monday, November 18, 2013
"A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues." - Cicero
Learning Targets:
* The (DSM) Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders is the handbook used by mental health professionals to diagnose psychiatric disorders.
* There are many types of disorders, but they all involve debilitation that makes routine life situations difficult.
* Schizophrenia is not dissociative identity disorder. It is a disorder that involves a break with reality and auditory hallucinations.
* Personality disorders are the most difficult disorders to diagnose and treat. The most common treatment is medication (most have side effects).
* Medication is effective as a treatment, but it is often combined with a form of “talk therapy” to provide a more complete therapeutic technique.
* Behavioral and cognitive therapists are very popular forms of “talk therapy.”
* Freudian therapy, though well known, is not utilized much anymore.
Essential Questions:
* What are the six commonly referred to types of psychological disorder?
* What treatment options exist for each type of disorder?
* How does client-centered therapy compare to psychoanalytic?
DO NOW: Is the ultimate cause of psych disorders/abnormal behavior biological in nature? If so is the ultimate cure then a medical one?
Notes, Video, & Discussion: Psych Disorders & Treatment
Reading Check Quiz over the first part of Unit 6 is on Wed/Thu.
FRQ is Friday. Mr. Duez will flip a coin to decide which you will write in class. You will have the questions before hand but can not use any notes during the timed writing on Friday.
Read the chapter, target sheets, and take notes.
The test for Unit 6 is the Wed/Thu after Thanksgiving.
Far too common, phobic disorders can potentially become so difficult that they interfere with a person's life. |
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
"Gratitude is born in hearts that take time to count up past mercies." - Charles E. Jefferson
Learning Targets:
* The (DSM) Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders is the handbook used by mental health professionals to diagnose psychiatric disorders.
* There are many types of disorders, but they all involve debilitation that makes routine life situations difficult.
* Schizophrenia is not dissociative identity disorder. It is a disorder that involves a break with reality and auditory hallucinations.
* Personality disorders are the most difficult disorders to diagnose and treat. The most common treatment is medication (most have side effects).
* Medication is effective as a treatment, but it is often combined with a form of “talk therapy” to provide a more complete therapeutic technique.
* Behavioral and cognitive therapists are very popular forms of “talk therapy.”
* Freudian therapy, though well known, is not utilized much anymore.
Essential Questions:
* What are the six commonly referred to types of psychological disorder?
* What treatment options exist for each type of disorder?
* How does client-centered therapy compare to psychoanalytic?
Explain the difference between Paranoid and Disorganized Schizophrenia.
Notes, Video, & Discussion: Psych Disorders & Treatment
Reading Check Quiz over the first part of Unit 6 is on Wed/Thu.
FRQ is Friday. Mr. Duez will flip a coin to decide which you will write in class. You will have the questions before hand but can not use any notes during the timed writing on Friday.
Read the chapter, target sheets, and take notes.
The test for Unit 6 is the Wed/Thu after Thanksgiving.
True. |
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 & Thursday, November 21, 2013
Not what we give,
But what we share,
For the gift
without the giver
Is bare.
- James Russell Lowell
Learning Targets:
* The (DSM) Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders is the handbook used by mental health professionals to diagnose psychiatric disorders.
* There are many types of disorders, but they all involve debilitation that makes routine life situations difficult.
* Schizophrenia is not dissociative identity disorder. It is a disorder that involves a break with reality and auditory hallucinations.
* Personality disorders are the most difficult disorders to diagnose and treat. The most common treatment is medication (most have side effects).
* Medication is effective as a treatment, but it is often combined with a form of “talk therapy” to provide a more complete therapeutic technique.
* Behavioral and cognitive therapists are very popular forms of “talk therapy.”
* Freudian therapy, though well known, is not utilized much anymore.
Essential Questions:
* What are the six commonly referred to types of psychological disorder?
* What treatment options exist for each type of disorder?
* How does client-centered therapy compare to psychoanalytic?
Reading Check Quiz - Unit 6 Par I - Psych Disorder/Abnormal Behavior & Treatment
DO NOW QUESTION after the Quiz:
What is the difference between Borderline Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder?
Notes, Video, & Discussion: Psych Disorders & Treatment
Notes, Video, & Discussion: Intro to Social Psychology
FRQ is Friday. Mr. Duez will flip a coin to decide which you will write in class. You will have the questions before hand but can not use any notes during the timed writing on Friday.
Read the chapter, target sheets, and take notes.
The test for Unit 6 is the Wed/Thu after Thanksgiving.
Friday, November, 22, 2013
“Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.” - Edward Sandford Martin
Learning Targets:
* The (DSM) Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders is the handbook used by mental health professionals to diagnose psychiatric disorders.
* There are many types of disorders, but they all involve debilitation that makes routine life situations difficult.
* Schizophrenia is not dissociative identity disorder. It is a disorder that involves a break with reality and auditory hallucinations.
* Personality disorders are the most difficult disorders to diagnose and treat. The most common treatment is medication (most have side effects).
* Medication is effective as a treatment, but it is often combined with a form of “talk therapy” to provide a more complete therapeutic technique.
* Behavioral and cognitive therapists are very popular forms of “talk therapy.”
* Freudian therapy, though well known, is not utilized much anymore.
Essential Questions:
* What are the six commonly referred to types of psychological disorder?
* What treatment options exist for each type of disorder?
* How does client-centered therapy compare to psychoanalytic?
FRQ - Mr. Duez will flip a coin between two questions.
Student will have the entire period to write out the answer to one FRQ.
Read the chapter, target sheets, and take notes.
The test for Unit 6 is the Wed/Thu after Thanksgiving.
Extra Credit is due the Friday after Thanksgiving Break.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
The always interesting Louis C.K. |