Advanced Placement Psychology with Mr. Duez
Unit 5 - Intelligence, Motivation, and Emotion
Week at a Glance:This is a crazy week. State Standardized Testing Gone Wild. Click here for the schedule: Whack-a-do-Schedule-This-Week
We are going to roll through this week and get as much done as we can each time a class period. I will video screencast the notes for this week so that if you miss anything you can catch them here. I'll post them when they are finished.
Quiz over this unit is next Monday, April 6
Test over this unit is next Tuesday, April 7
Intelligence --
Learning Targets:
1. Binet created the first intelligence test and developed the concept of mental age, but Terman's revision, the Stanford-Binet, created a way to compute an IQ score.
2. Aptitude tests predict future success and achievement tests assess what individuals already know.
3. When designing tests, psychometricians focus on standardization, reliability, validity, and culture fairness.
4. Normal distributions are bell-shaped curves in which most scores fall near the average and the percentage of scores between standard deviations is fixed by a formula.
5. Reliability refers to a test being repeatable and validity refers to a test being accurate.
- Explain the theories that have been created for understanding intelligence
- Compare the different modes of intelligence testing
- Explain how the range of mental abilities, from creativity and giftedness to mental retardation, can be identified, explained, & understood.
- How much of intelligence is inherited, and how much is due to upbringing?
- What exactly is intelligence, and what do test scores mean?
- Why do some people with high IQ scores become underachievers, while others with average IQ scores become leaders? - How does intelligence related to creativity and artistic or athletic abilities?
Motivation & Emotion --
Learning Targets:
- How and why people are motivated?
- Analyze the different types of motivation.
- Define the importance characteristics of emotion in human behavior and decision making.
We do not know how emotions are generalized.
Which theory is clearest example in your mind?
- James-Lange Theory: We have a psychological response and we label it as an emotion: "I see a bear, my muscles tense, I feel afraid."
- Cannon-Bard Theory: We have an emotional response and we feel the physiological response: "I see a bear, I feel afraid, my muscles tense."
- Schacter-Singer Theory: We experience feelings and then label them: "I feel bad. I must be scared."
- Cognitive Appraisal: When there is no physiological arousal, we experience something; we think about it, we label it as an emotion.

2. Biological motivation includes the role of the hypothalamus, which maintains a state called homeostasis.
3. Theories of social motivation, including the need for achievement and the hierarchy of needs, show the importance of understanding motivation in the context of our environments.
4. Emotions can be explained through a variety of theoretical perspectives, each arguing that emotion emerges in conjunction with physiological response to stimuli.
Monday 2nd Period 7:25 - 11:40
Tuesday no psychology
Wednesday 2nd period 1:22 - 2:45
Thursday 1st period 1:22 - 2:45
Friday - all periods will meet
Monday's Quote: "The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind." -William James
Wednesday/Thursday's Quote: "One of the illusions of life is that the present hour is not the critical, decisive hour. Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
1. DO NOW: Pick up the article at the front, read & annotate for the first 30 minutes. We will discuss in socratic seminar after. Tired of Feeling Bad? The New Science of Feelings Can Help by Davidson & Begley
2. Notes, Discussion, & Video:
3. Videos, we will watch & discuss and apply what we learn to motivation, emotion, and intelligence:
TedTalks - Tali Sharot: The Optimism Bias
RSA Animate - The Secret Powers of Time by Psychology Professor Phillip Zimbardo
RSA Animate - The Secret Powers of Time by Psychology Professor Phillip Zimbardo
Friday, April 5, 2013Quote: "Some people are making such thorough plans for rainy days that they aren't enjoying today's sunshine." -William Feather
1. Do Now - Compare Instinct Theory, The Drive Reduction Theory, The Arousal Theory and Humanistic Theory of Motivation. Which do you believe make the most sense?
2. Notes, Discussion, & Video:
Quiz is on Monday
Test is next Tuesday