I have been producing some of these myself, but they aren't totally ready for this unit yet. I will be doing them this week over Development, Personality, and Stress because we won't have as much time to cover those topics in class. We only have 28 days until the AP test - so we have to use every advantage we can muster.
AP Psychology - Intro to Intelligence Notes - Part One by Mrs. Rice
- introduction to what intelligence is
AP Psychology - Intro to Intelligence Notes - Part Two by Mrs. Rice
- general intelligence or g (Spearman)
- clusters of mental ability (Thurstone) ~ ends up proving 'g'
- intelligence comes from multiple forms (Gardner) by studying savants
AP Psychology - Intro to Intelligence Notes - Part Three by Mrs. Rice
- triarchic theory: 3 intelligences ~ Analytical, Creative, Practical (Sternberg)
- emotional intelligence: EQ (Goleman)
- critiques of EQ: hard to test (Gardner)
- intelligence & creativity
- neurologically measurable intelligence (biological) & brain functioning
AP Psychology - Assessing Intelligence Notes - Part One by Mrs. Rice
- comparative scores with numerical scores
- first IQ test (Binet)
- Stanford-Binet ~ US revision of Binet-Simon (Lewis Terman, who worked at Stanford)
- Intelligence Quotient (Stern) IQ = Mental Age/Chronological Age x 100 [which today is outdated]
AP Psychology - Assessing Intelligence Notes - Part Two by Mrs. Rice
- WAIS & WISC scales for measuring both children & adults (Wechsler)
- Aptitude (predictive) & Achievement (reflect current knowledge) Tests
AP Psychology - Assessing Intelligence Notes - Part Three by Mrs. Rice
- Introduces the Flynn Effect (D. Flynn)
- Principles of Test Construction - Standardized, Reliable, Valid
- In the past 60 years according to D. Flynn intelligence scores are steadily rising (Flynn Effect)
- Why does this occur? (improved medical, technological, and educational opportunities)
- But if Intelligence scores have been increasing, why then is the normal (mean) score still 100.
- Reliability - split half reliability, different test reliability, test-retest reliability
- Validity - the test measures or predicts what it is intended to ~ content & predictive
- Is Intelligence fixed or does it change over time?
AP Psychology - Extremes of Intelligence Notes - Part One by Mrs. Rice
- MR (IQ=70 or below); High IQ (135 or above)
- Intellectual disability (causes: genetics, environment, deprivation/neglect, no apparent cause)
- PKU: test performed on newborns tests for hidden genetic disorder called PKU. Can be prevented with diet.
- Intellectually gifted (Terman)
AP Psychology - Extremes of Intelligence Notes - Part Two by Mrs. Rice
- Genetic & Environmental Influences on Intelligence (Twin Studies)