Sunday, September 20, 2015

Agenda: Week of Sept 21, 2015

Advanced Placement Psychology with Mr. Duez
Unit 1: History & Methods - Weiten 1 & 2
Unit 2: Biological Bases of Behavior - Weiten 3
MON - PsychTrek 3 Experimentation; Research Methods: Experimentation; Hogwarts stat exercise in groups
TUE - Research Methods: Experimentation & Experimental Statistics
WED/THU - TEST UNIT 1: CH 1 & 2 History & Methods; Pick up: Article: Nature vs. Nurture Due on Monday, Sept 28
FRI - Introduction to Unit 2: Ch. 3 - Biological Basis of Behavior

Read Weiten 1 & 2; Take Notes; Presentations & YouTube Lectures; PsychTrek 3
Wed/Thu: TEST UNIT 1: CH 1 & 2 History & Methods
Article: Nature vs. Nurture Due on Monday, Sept 28
Coffee is good. 
Monday, Sept 21, 2015
Quote: Quote: "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." - Robert Frost
1. DO NOW: Explain the importance of operational-ism and operational definitions in psychological research.
2. Introduction to PsychTrek 3 - Research Methods
3. Notes, Discussion, Video: Research Methods
4. Hogwarts stat exercise in groups

Wed/Thu: TEST UNIT 1: CH 1 & 2 History & Methods
Read Weiten 1 & 2; Take Notes; Presentations & YouTube Lectures; PsychTrek 3
Tuesday, Sept 22, 2015
Quote"The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases." - Carl Jung
1. DO NOW: Why do researchers use correlations if they can not say for sure if they are causal? What is the point?
2. Notes, Discussion, Video: Research Methods - Correlations & Statistics
3. Discuss how to prepare for the Test.
Read Weiten 1 & 2; Take Notes; Presentations & YouTube Lectures; PsychTrek 3

Wed/Thu: TEST UNIT 1: CH 1 & 2 History & Methods
Read Weiten 3; Take Notes; Presentations & YouTube Lectures; PsychTrek 3
Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015 & Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015
Quote"Every man dies. Not every man really lives." - William Wallace

1. DO NOW: Prepare for Test Unit 1 Ch 1 & 2 "History & Methods" -- Also pick up article. Due on Monday, Sept 28 - work on it after the test.
2. TEST UNIT 1: CH 1 & 2 History & Methods
3. If time, introduce Unit 2: Weiten 3 - Biological Bases of Behavior

Article: Nature vs. Nurture Due on Monday, Sept 28
Read Weiten 3; Take Notes; Presentations & YouTube Lectures; PsychTrek 3
Friday, Sept 25, 2015
Quote"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." - Henry Ellis
1. DO NOW: Which is stronger? - Nature or Nurture?
2. Notes, Discussion, Video: Introduction to Weiten 2 - Biological Bases of Behavior
3. Crash Course Psychology - The Chemical Mind

Article: Nature vs. Nurture Due on Monday, Sept 28
Read Weiten 3; Take Notes; Presentations & YouTube Lectures; PsychTrek 3