Thursday, February 27, 2020

AGENDA: Week of March 2-6, 2020

Advanced Placement PSYCHOLOGY with Mr. Duez
Chapter 13: Social Psychology & Chapter 14: Stress, Health, & Coping
MON - DiscussThe Rarely Told Story of Zimbardo's Prison Experiment Article due; Discuss - Video: Frontline: A Class DividedPerception of Others: Effects of Physical Appearance, Stereotypes, & Subjectivity in Person Perception
TUE - Article: Career Success - Network Science; VIDEO: Psych Crash Course - #37: Social ThinkingCrash Course Psych Video Questions
WED - SAT DAY - Modified Bell Schedule - No AP Psychology (Jr. & Sr. Students - 6th & 7th only)
THU - Regular Bell Schedule - But only 1/2 of 3rd Period & 1/2 of 4th Period because of Shattered Dreams Assembly (But Jr & Sr - 9:48-10:30 in Gold Parking Lot - Shattered Dreams) 2nd 1/2 - Documentary w/Questions The Brain with David Eagleman: "Why do I need you? With Video QuestionsNotesSocial Psychology - Altruism-Apathy, Conformity-Obedience,  Compliance-Aggression 
FRI - 2nd 1/2 - Documentary w/Questions The Brain with David Eagleman: "Why do I need you? With Video QuestionsNotesSocial Behavior in Groups
Juniors will miss most of 1st & 2nd periods. Seniors will miss end of 3rd and most of 4th
Monday - The Rarely Told Story of Zimbardo's Prison Experiment due 
Tuesday - Article: Career Success - Network Science
Thursday & Friday In Class: Documentary w/Questions The Brain with David Eagleman: "Why do I need you? With Video Questions 
SPRING BREAK March 7-15! No assignments. Enjoy your friends & family!
Monday, March 2, 2020
Quote: "History is a myth that men agree to believe." - Napoleon

1. Prepare to DiscussThe Rarely Told Story of Zimbardo's Prison Experiment Article due

2. Notes, Video, Discussion: Discuss - Video from Friday (finish if needed)
Video: Frontline: A Class Divided
Notes: Perception of Others: Effects of Physical Appearance, Stereotypes, & Subjectivity in Person Perception

Monday - The Rarely Told Story of Zimbardo's Prison Experiment due 
Tuesday - Article: Career Success - Network Science
Thursday & Friday In Class: Documentary w/Questions The Brain with David Eagleman: "Why do I need you? With Video Questions 
SPRING BREAK March 7-15! No assignmentsEnjoy your friends & family!
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Quote: "Ongoing research continues to demonstrate conclusively that your IQ is an excellent predictor of your score on an IQ test." - Neil deGrasse Tyson @neiltyson

1. DO NOW: Are babies born discriminatory?
2. Article: Career Success - Network Science

3. VIDEO: Psych Crash Course - #37: Social ThinkingCrash Course Psych Video Questions

Monday - The Rarely Told Story of Zimbardo's Prison Experiment due 
Tuesday - Article: Career Success - Network Science
Thursday & Friday In Class: Documentary w/Questions The Brain with David Eagleman: "Why do I need you? With Video Questions 
SPRING BREAK March 7-15! No assignmentsEnjoy your friends & family!
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Quote: "A life without love is like a year without spring." -Octavian Paller

Video Questions 
Dr David Eagleman explores how the brain relies on other brains to thrive and survive. This neural interdependence underpins our need to group together, and our ability to do the very best and the very worst of things to each other.

2. Notes, Video, Discussion: Social Psychology - Altruism-Apathy, Conformity-Obedience,  Compliance-Aggression 
Focus on Asch Conformity Study
Monday - The Rarely Told Story of Zimbardo's Prison Experiment due 
Tuesday - Article: Career Success - Network Science
Thursday & Friday In Class: Documentary w/Questions The Brain with David Eagleman: "Why do I need you? With Video Questions 
SPRING BREAK March 7-15! No assignmentsEnjoy your friends & family!
Friday, March 6, 2020
Quote"The war has ruined us for everything." - Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front

Dr. David Eagleman explores how the brain relies on other brains to thrive and survive. This neural interdependence underpins our need to group together, and our ability to do the very best and the very worst of things to each other.

3. Notes, Video, Discussion: Social Psychology - Group Behavior 
Bystander Effect, Group Productivity, Social Loafing, Decision Making in Groups
How does being part of a group influence the way individuals behave? 
Why people cooperate and help others? 
What factors contribute to aggressive behavior & violence (especially in groups)? 
Monday - The Rarely Told Story of Zimbardo's Prison Experiment due 
Tuesday - Article: Career Success - Network Science
Thursday & Friday In Class: Documentary w/Questions The Brain with David Eagleman: "Why do I need you? With Video Questions 
SPRING BREAK March 7-15! No assignmentsEnjoy your friends & family!