Advanced Placement Psychology with Mr. Duez
Unit 2 - Biological Bases of Behavior - Sensation & Perception
WEEK AT A GLANCE:MON - Brain Projects Due; Present Brain Projects; Mr. Duez's brain!
TUE - Finish Brain Rules; Sensation & Perception
WED/THU - Sensation & Perception: Sight
FRI - Brain Games Video Study: Sensation & Perception: Sight & Sound
Monday, Sep 23, 2013
Quote: Quote: "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." - Robert Frost
Learning Targets:
1. The different methods for peering into the human brain
2. What the areas does the brain control
3. The structure of the neuron
4. The action potential
5. The role of neurotransmitters in neural transmission
Essential Questions:
1. What are the major lobes of the brain and what areas of human behavior do they impact?
2. What are the parts of the neuron?
3. How do neuron's fire and communicate with other neurons to send messages?
1. DO NOW: Pick up Target Sheets from the front table. Be sure to begin working on reading through these and answering the questions at the end.
2. Present the Brain Project: Students will use their brain sketch and work with other students in the class to find similar brain sketches to their own. Students will present those similarities to the class. The object is to introduce everyone to the class and to learn about what commonalities we share.
3. Brain Imaging: We'll take a look at Mr. Duez's brain on MRI. Also discuss the different methods that can be used to peer inside the human brain.
4. Video Study: The Teenage Brain: Adriana Galvan at TEDxYouth (If time)
Quiz on Monday, Sep 30.
Test is on Wed/Thu, Oct 2
Check the notes, YouTube lectures, and work on the Target Sheets to prepare.
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The development of the brain - pruning creates strong neural pathways. |
Tuesday, Sep 24, 2013
Quote: "The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases." - Carl Jung
Learning Targets:
1. Describe the parts of the neruon and explain how they function.
2. List the 3 properties of light and the aspects of visual perception that they influence.
3. Identify the location of the lens, pupil, cornea, and retina. Discuss their functions.
4. Distinguish between nearsightedness and farsightedness.
5. Identify the retina & optic disk.
6. Discuss the contribution of rods & cones to visual processing.
7. Explain the processes underlying dark adaptation.
Essential Questions:
1. How does the brain actually 'see' - route the signals from the eye to the brain?
2. What are the two pathways involved in visual processing and the information they handle?
3. How does the research that Hubel & Wiesel's worked on explain information processing in the visual cortex?
4. What does the concept of feature analysis and subjective contours tell us about vision?
1. DO NOW: Draw the sketch of the neruon on the board and label the parts in your notes.
2. PsychTrek - Sensation & Perception - Students will work through the learning modules to be introduced to Sensation & Perception. Interactive quizzing.
Quiz on Monday, Sep 30.Test is on Wed/Thu, Oct 2
Check the notes, YouTube lectures, and work on the Target Sheets to prepare.
Wednesday, Sep 25, 2013 & Thursday, Sep 26 , 2013
Quote: "Every man dies. Not every man really lives." - William Wallace
Learning Targets:
1. Perception is the interpretation of sensory information; it relies on experience.
2. The difference between sensation and perception
3. The structure and function of the eye
4. The structure and function of the ear
Essential Questions:
1. Analyze the process that humans use to convert light into images?
2. How does the ear responds to sound waves?
3. How do we taste or smell?
4. Explain the somatic sensory system function?
1. DO NOW:Are you influenced by advertisements - tv, radio, print, billboard, & internet? Have you ever made a purchase based on the power of an advertisement?
2. Notes & Discussion: Does Subliminal Stimulation (Advertisement) work? In what ways will it and won't it be convincing to a person?
3. Video & Discussion: Derren Brown - "Psychological Illusionist" - Derren Brown will use some amazing tricks to control human behavior. 3 video clips:
Are people so easily deceived? Is it possible that we are being manipulated much more than we are aware, by advertisers and marketers? How will this knowledge of your susceptibility impact you in the future?
3. Weber's Law Group/Cooperative Experiments: The idea that, to perceive a difference between 2 stimuli, they must differ by a constant percentage; not a constant amount.
Students will participate in a number of group experiments to test if Weber's Law.Assignment:
Quiz on Monday, Sep 30.
Test is on Wed/Thu, Oct 2
Check the notes, YouTube lectures, and work on the Target Sheets to prepare.
Friday, Sep 27, 2013
Quote: "All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." - Henry Ellis
Learning Targets:
1. Perception is the interpretation of sensory information; it relies on experience.
2. The difference between sensation and perception
3. The structure and function of the eye
4. The structure and function of the ear
Essential Questions:
1. Analyze the process that humans use to convert light into images?
2. How does the ear responds to sound waves?
3. How do we taste or smell?
4. Explain the somatic sensory system function?
1. Do Now: Pick up questions for the video from the front.
2. Video Study: Brain Games - "Watch This" - episode on perception.
Quiz on Monday, Sep 30.
Test is on Wed/Thu, Oct 2
Check the notes, YouTube lectures, and work on the Target Sheets to prepare.